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Examples Integration to the Curriculum

Spanish and English

  • Discuss and debate various aspects of highly complex environmental problems such as: Global warming, food sovereignty, drought, among others.


  • Drafting of reports and minutes on scheduled meetings.


  • Writing of letters to politicians, educational authorities, community leaders, directors, newspapers, businessmen, industrialists, and others.


  • Writing poems that represent environmental problems.


  • Drafting and representation of environmental works.



  • Surveys to the school community leading them to analyze the results in graphs.


  • Comparison of energy consumed in the academic institution.


  • Finance management with fundraisings.


  • Weighing of garbage, compost and / or recycling bags.


  • Measurement of plants.

Social studies

  • Reading and production of maps of the school and its location; using map features such as scale bars, symbols, and keys to obtain important information.


  • Understand how people interact with their environment.


  • Use of photographs, documents, oral accounts and other sources of information that detail the history of certain places and how it has changed over time.



natural Sciences

  • Observations and data collection on environmental problems.


  • Explore different habitats and the adaptations of the plants and animals that live in them.


  • Investigate different organic materials and how they are used.


  • Composting and the benefits of biodegradation.


  • Know the importance of pollination in our diet.


  • Use of programs (Word, Power Point, Excel, among others) to organize and present results of environmental investigations.


  • Use of programs for editing and publishing reports on research results.


  • Design and maintain cybernetic pages ("websites" and / or blogs) that report environmental activities.


  • Design and creation of drawings on murals and sculptures that represent an environmental theme that is being worked on at the school.


  • Reminders to have better attitudes and action with Planet Earth.


  • Production of posters, brochures, stickers and badges to support environmental campaigns.


  • Organization of art festivals and exhibitions that celebrate the school's progress towards becoming an Eco School.


  • Murals with the Eco Code and the Action plan.

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